Friday, September 10, 2010

A Closer Look into Digital Storytelling

Multimedia in the classroom can inspire students to achieve at higher levels as well as change the dynamics for teaching and learning in the classroom. The use of multimedia programs open many doors for using multimedia with students. They not only learn first hand how to operate technological equipment but also can enhance other skills such as scriptwriting, creativity, planning, storyboarding, photography, videography and many others. Through these opportunities, students are introduced to a whole new world of communication. By using authentic products such as podcasts, video production, web page production, and others, students are given a creative outlet to communicate thoughts and new knowledge.

What has been your experience with using multimedia tools? Have you been able to use them with your students in a classroom setting? What are some ways that you could see yourself using digital storytelling with your students?


  1. Kara: I have used multimedia tools on occasion but have not let my students use it yet. Students could make a multimedia presentation where they take pictures of geometry shapes and angles in the real world. Students could also use digital storytelling to present real-life examples of math application.

    Amber: I am very familiar with multimedia tools and use them frequently for class but my students have not used them yet. I teach geography so my students could make a virtual tour of a country or continent and present it to the class.

    - Kara Forbus
    - Amber Pope

  2. Melanie Hughes and Shannon Goodwin

    Both of us have used PowerPoint and have class blogs. Shannon uses an Interwrite Pad and a class Wiki and has access to a PC computer lab, while Melanie's classroom is an iMac computer lab and the students create GarageBand Podcasts.

    We can use digital storytelling to:
    -increase student engagement
    -publish student work
    -present lessons
    -introduce new topics
    -make mathmatical connections to the real world
    -critique artwork using blog comments
    -for students to create presentations

  3. Both Susan and I have had alot of experience using multimedia for personal use. I do not teach in a classroom. Susan says that while she uses powerpoints and other multimedia aids to aid her in teaching she has not been able to put technology in the hands of the students. This is due to the unavailibility of technology in her school. Susan believes that the use of digital story telling would be a good alternitive form of assesment. Being that my consentration is in English I think this could be a very useful tool in introducing cultural and historical background information.

    -Haeden and Susan

  4. Angelica and I (Tiffany) have both used powerpoint several times for presentations throughout our time here as an undergraduate. We have also used the discussion boards on blackboard for our classes. I once used microsoft movie maker for a class project.

    Neither of us teach.

    Digital Storytelling would be a great tool to show the students how the characters in literature dressed (ex. The Canterbury Tales). It could also help when discussing the different movements in literature in different countries, showing different paintings and lit. excerpts at the time. Audio clips would enhance the students' ability to read Middle English. It could also help students have a greater understanding of meter and rhythm in poetry.

  5. We have been exposed to multimedia tools though we have not actually used them in our own classroom due to the fact that we don't have our own class. Devin has been in several classrooms that have used many different tools and has used some herself in science and math. You could use digital storytelling across every subject area. It could be used for example in social studies to compare and contrast American and Native American food.

  6. We have both used Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint throughout our professional lives. Neither of us have been in a classroom with students.

    I see myself using digital storyboarding as a high school history teacher. I would like to assign them historical figures and ask them to storyboard with that personality. The goal would be to use that technology to have the students place themselves in the role of the character and look through their eyes and not ours. -Bill

    I think using digital storytelling would be extremely efficient in being able to get a certain timeline of events and put them together. I'm a very visual learner, so seeing things right in front of me is a lot easier than reading about it.

  7. I have not had much experiance with multimedia tools. Richard has had some. We are both familiar with Power Point, and Richard works with Interwrite, Proscope, and he is learning Clickers. I have not been able to use multimedia in the classroom, but Richard has. We both feel that Digital storytelling will help with our teaching. He can use it to show different proocesses, and I can use it to make theatre history more bareable.

    - Lydia and Richard

    What has been your experience with using multimedia tools?

    CAROL: creating BLOGS to for students to conduct summer reading projects
    TONYA: WIKISpaces, BLOGS, use these tools daily to prepare and present lessons ESPECIALLY since I just received a SMARTBOARD and MOBILAB for my classroom

    Have you been able to use them with your students in a classroom setting?

    CAROL: No because the school is very small; very limited access to a computer lab
    TONYA: Yes. Almost daily

    What are some ways that you could see yourself using digital storytelling with your students?

    CAROL: See it used in Spanish and English classes in lieu of traditional book reports….BUT, it will have to be done at home; conduct dialogue using a digital format

    TONYA: Presenting an autobiography using Photo Story or Movie Maker; creating commercials; scavenger hunt findings

  9. Beau uses his knowlege of various Adobe programs , photoshop, illustrator, etc.. To help his Students with Austism learn more because they are more visual learners than Audio.He has yet to uses these skills in the classroom, but is very eager to.
    Chad uses powerpoint and You Tube videos to aid in student learning. He would like to use digital stories to relate history as a story rather than a lesson.

    Chad & Beau
